test test October 7, 2015
Book Marketing Ideas That Will…
Increase your web presence:
Cultivate Community:
Make some extra money:
- Repackage old blog posts and sell them as an e-book
- Join an affiliate program
- Speak on the core topic of your book
- Become a content writer
- Host paid webinars
- Freelance with niche magazines
- Sell ads on your website
- Sell ads in your newsletter
- Write a new ebook tailored to your fans
- Mentor another writer
- Become an Amazon Affiliate (and use MyBookTable)
- Offer customizable ebooks for readers
- Sell your book on your site, not just Amazon
- The @AuthorMedia crew just gave me 89 free book marketing ideas. Watch out world! – click to tweet.
- My sales should spike soon. I’m going to try out some of the book marketing suggestions from @AuthorMedia. – click to tweet.
- 89 Book Marketing Ideas That Will Change Your Life. Try one today! – click to tweet.
- Have you tried any of these marketing tips from @AuthorMedia? They look great! – click to tweet.
- Dang. I needed book marketing ideas and I found 89 of them via @AuthorMedia. – click to tweet.
- If you write books, you should look at this list ASAP. Unless you are my competitor. – click to tweet.
- Need some book marketing ideas? One of these ideas should do the trick! – click to tweet.
Build your brand offline
- Write a Press Release
- Ask to be interviewed by your local paper
- Ask to be interviewed by the paper your book is set in
- Ask to be interviewed by the local radio host
- Ask to be interviewed on the local morning show (read this article first)
- Partner with a band that has the same cause as you
- Go on a physical book tour
- Start thinking local
- Sell themed merchandise (Think “Team Edward” shirts)
- Rent a billboard
- Host a book release party
- Link with an activity that supports your cause and sell your book there
- Create a viral video about a scene from your book
Find a Place To Give a Book Reading:
- Your local coffee shop
- A hospital
- A retirement community
- A rehabilitation center
- A local church
- A locally owned bookstore
- The library (try the five closest to your house)
- The local community college
- A school
- Wherever the main setting of your book is
- Google+
- Videos you upload to Facebook
- Goodreads
Discover where to donate your book (and make new fans):
- Women’s shelters
- VA hospitals
- Homeless shelters
- Children’s hospitals
- Retirement homes
- The five closest libraries to your house
- The library in your hometown
- Summer camp
- Community libraries at coffee shops
- The local community college library
- The libraries in the town where the book was set in
- BookCrossing.com
- Local B&B’s
- Local motels
- Prisons
- Church libraries
- Rehab centers
- Cruise ship libraries
- Doctor’s offices
- Community centers
- Senior Centers
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